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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Whether "Cliques" are Opposed to Christian Charity

I think this is an especially relative question... should devout Christians belong to a group, in an exclusive nature, and decline interaction with "lesser" or non-believers?  This question is raised constantly in Christian circles, especially among teens and young adults, and on college campuses.  Should we ignore those who could lead us to sin or who aren't as holy as we... or should we invite all manner of sinners into our midst in an attempt for conversion?  What's more Charitable?  Most would say that exclusiveness is not loving, and that would should welcome every type of person into our groups to best love them.  Let's examine the question further.

For the purpose of this post, the definition of clique will be, an exclusive group of people with shared interests who spend time together.

Now let me say this first, group-forming and cliques are part of the psyche from the human condition.  Because we have an innate need to belong, we naturally form groups to fulfill that need, and thus we form "out-groups" to distinguish what we "are not".  However, just because we have a disposition to something does not mean its automatically alright.

Now for the issue at hand--as Christians, can we form exclusive groups and still be charitable?  Well first, lets look at what Charity is.  

Another word for Charity is love, we know that God is love, and that Jesus told us to not only love God with all our being, but also to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Aquinas states that love is "benevolence", or willing the good of the other person.  Basically this means that to love another person we must want them to be with God, to love ourselves we must wish to get to heaven, and to love God we must want to do his will.

Now we know we must love God with all our being, so it is him that we should love first and foremost.  We then must love ourselves, and then others, for we cannot give what we do not have, and so to be charitable to others we must abide in charity to ourselves.  This, above all, means avoiding sin, for it is in sin that we are separated from God and reject His Charity.  In avoiding sin, we must also be careful not to allow others to lead us to sin, but also must not condone or support the sinful lives of others.  If we are to love our neighbor, we must be his keeper.

Further, each person as a varying degree of strength in God, some are strong and others are week, and each person has particular areas of sin that we fall into habitually.  If we are expected to help others we must be strong and not fall into sin ourselves, and thus if a person is going to lead you to sin, how can you help them? Yes, Jesus ate with sinners, but in his perfection he need not worry about falling into the sinful acts of those he fell around, nor did he partake in sinful acts as a means for their conversion.

So here it is... it is from this knowledge that I conclude that certain Christian Cliques are not actually (inherently) contrary to Christian Charity, but rather may help to guard it.  Sadly there are some people who, for our own well being, we just shouldn't associate with.  If someone will lead you to sin, away from God and His charity, you will no be able love them fully while living in that sin, and so to preserve the love for yourself and the love of God, you can "love them from a distance" ie, pray for their conversion and happiness.  But the will of God and your purity must come first.

Now, some people are strong in faith or have a particular resistance to certain vices.  If this is the case than you should prudently discern if you are called to evangelize to a group or person in that they may be converted.  You should only do this if you are strong enough to resist this sin.

Finally, Cliques can be misused.  When used as a means of judgment or self-edification they not only hinder charity on all three accounts, but damage the charity of others as they grow contempt for the Church.  If an individual is in need of guidance and fellowship, and your "clique" is solid enough to encourage them in that way without falling itself, the charitable thing to do is to invite them into your group.

Consider the groups you are part of, why you are part of them, and if they are exclusive to the detriment or support of Christian Charity.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Reflections on the Historical Jesus

Recently, I was asked a question about my thoughts on the "Historical Jesus"... ie searching for those words and acts that Christ ACTUALLY said and did.  I'll admit that, at the time the question was asked, I had had very little exposure to what the Historical Jesus actually was.  Basically, I lumped every analysis of the "Real Christ" as falling under John Dominic Crossan's "Quest for the Historical Jesus" and the subsequent "Jesus Seminar".  For the record, even after brief subsequent study on the historical Jesus, I still think the work of Crossan and the Jesus seminar is inspired by Satan... but more on that later.

For my Eucharist class I was required to read an article (The Eucharist at the Last Supper: Did it really happen? Theology Digest 42:4, Winter 1995) by Roman Catholic Historical Jesus scholar John Meier. I'll admit, Meier has begun to change my view on Historical Jesus, and has shown me the value the paradigm has in answering certain theological questions and gaining a deeper understanding and love for the person of Christ and Sacred Scripture.

Meier starts off by saying that, while his book A Marginal Jew is often "yoked" with the Jesus seminar, he nevertheless disagrees with Crossan on key issues of Catholicism, for instance... whether or not the Last Supper actually happened.  Meier also points out the value of knowing the historical Jesus in reaction to fundamentalist's literal readings.

Without giving away the whole article, or just quoting applicable one-liners from Meier, I'll just give you my general assessment:

Theology is faith seeking understanding, and faith is also rooted in the intellect, which requires some element of reason to truly assent to God.  It is for this reason that the Church has always upheld faith AND reason as essential to true belief in God.  While different believers are responsible for various levels of understanding concerning faith, it is important for theologians, teachers, and priests to have a deep wisdom and understanding of theological knowledge in order to defend the Truth and help uphold the faith of others.

The Historical Jesus, and historical criticism in general, when applied correctly, in respect to tradition, right reason and intent, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, can be a wonderful tool and paradigm in gaining a deeper understanding of the Gospel and the doctrines of our faith.  It is for example, in learning the formula that Christ used during the last supper we can begin to see, as Meier says that,

"...what the hallowed bread and wine first of all mediate or communicate is not a static thing but a dynamic reality, the whole saving event of Jesus' death and ultimate vindication" (350).

It is through such study that we begin to see our doctrines in new and beautiful ways, as they were handed to us by Christ himself.

However, this paradigm is not for everyone, for those who are not firm in their faith, sound of reason, or guided by the Holy Spirit, may fall into serious and grave error such as that of the Jesus Seminar who has concluded that, "Jesus was a mortal man born of two human parents, who did not perform nature miracles nor die as a substitute for sinners nor rise bodily from the dead.[3][4][5] Sightings of a risen Jesus were nothing more than the visionary experiences of some of his disciples rather than physical encounters.[3][4][5]"   I'll let you figure out exactly that is not in accord with the core of Christian belief.

So, when we aim to de-mythologize and legalize the words of Christ, we can fall into serious error.  But for those of us who approach this aspect of historical criticism with the intent of greater understanding and in respect to already established doctrines of the Church, we can come to a deeper faith.

So my brethren, happy (and appropriate) "Questing".

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Divine Mercy, Divine Justice

I want to reflect briefly on the Gospel reading for today.  You can read it here, or just open your Bible to Mathew 18:21-35.

First, I want to look at the exchange between Jesus and the Apostle Peter.  Peter, asking the Lord how many times he should forgive his neighbor, suggests an answer to his own question--7 times.  Now, Peter thought he was pretty hot stuff here, because according to Jewish law you only had to forgive your neighbor 3 times before seeking justice.  Not only did Peter double that number, but he added one--clearly he went above and beyond the requirements of the Law.  However, Jesus responds that he must forgive his neighbor 77 times.  In Bible-speak that basically translates to an "inconceivable amount".  No Jew of their time would ever have fathomed forgiving a neighbor that many times.  This is the incredible challenge that Christ gives us, to forgive unceasingly.  God does this as well, although he also deal out Divine Justice as well... but only per our choice.

The second half of the Gospel is the parable Christ tells to illustrate the need for human forgiveness, the gift of Divine mercy, and manifestation of Divine Justice.  Interpreting from the allegorical sense, the Master in the parable is God, who despite us being unworthy and completely unable to pay our debt to him, forgave us our debts and allows us to live with him.  Because God has forgiven us, we must also forgive our brethren.  When we are "trespassed against", we must show mercy and forgive those have hurt us.  Why? Because when we fail to live in the light and example of God's mercy, we are choosing rather to live in His justice--and what is the justice of non-forgiving? Being unforgiven.  This is what results in Hell (or in the case of the parable, torture).

I think it especially providential that these readings occurred on the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say--God wants us to forgive the men who did this and who continue to do such things.  Should we wish Hell on these men, and on Osama Bin Laden?  No, for that is not love.  Instead we should forgive them, choose to move on and not let it control our lives, and even radically pray for their conversion and entrance into heaven.  It's a hard message to hear, many wounds are still open or never actually healed properly, but I urge you, if you want to receive God's mercy you must give mercy yourself... and if you can do it with Sept 11, you can pretty much do it with anything.

May you find love and mercy in your heart.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

On "Heaven is for Real"

When I was working Totus Tuus this summer, teaching Catechism and immersed in Catholic culture, I heard about a fad that was sweeping through the faithful.  The book Heaven is for Real is a "true" story about a 4 year old boy who, while undergoing emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix, visited heaven.  The book was written a number of years later by his father, a Wesleyan Pastor at a relatively small rural Nevada church. Throughout the second half of the book, Pastor Todd, through humorous and inspiring anecdotes, explains some of the things his son saw in heaven.

Here's the thing--this book IS spiritually inspiring, above all its a testimony of strength, perseverance, and hope through suffering.

The book would also qualify as personal revelation which has not been approved and even if it has been we can choose not believe:

“Throughout the ages, there have been so-called ‘private’ revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ's definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the Magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church. Christian faith cannot accept ‘revelations’ that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment, as is the case in certain non-Christian religions and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such ‘revelations’” (CCC # 67).

However, I don't believe that this simple little book will ever be approved by Church.  Why?  Because 1) the source is not credible... the visions were by a young boy who hardly even knows how to communicate what he saw, and then were written down, many years later, by his Protestant father who could have interpreted his son's words in ways that fit his belief.

Secondly, some things are directly against Catholic doctrine or dogma, specifically that the young boy says that Jesus told him those in Hell will not have resurrected bodies--a notion which contradicts centuries of Catholic doctrine ("For an hour is coming in which all those in their tombs shall hear His voice and come forth. Those who have done right shall rise to live; the evildoers shall rise to be damned" (Jn 5:28-29)).

To my Catholic brethren--it is OK to read this book, it has some emotionally and spiritually moving sections that, for the right person, could enrich their spiritual life.  However, to all who read this I must urge prudence and deliberation in choosing which elements of the revelation to believe.  Educate yourself before reading this, disregard the parts that are contrary to established Catholic teaching, and, if by chance you are prone to being led astray, just stay away from the book.  There are other books you can read for the same effect that are more solid.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

If You're Happy and Don't Know Why?

I'm (slowly) reading a book right now called Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships.  It's really excellent and basically details how our emotions and relationships effect us physically and vice versa.

Did you know that by smiling you can actually make yourself happy, and not only that, but when other people see you smile, they are more primed to smile themselves.  It's the same with being crabby, sad, or angry.  Our emotions REALLY are contagious.  It's something called mirror neurons.  We're made to imitate one another to build report and intimacy.

This book is somewhat dense, but still easy to read, and I would suggest it for anyone who is interested in such things.

So my challenge to all of you is to think about how your emotions are effecting other people, and try to smile as often as possible.  And this is coming from a crabby guy ;-)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Faith Vs. Reason

Faith and Reason go hand in hand--as responsible Christians, and especially Catholics, we've been told that since Thomas Aquinas, and have recently affirmed it through the Encyclical Fides et Ratio.  However, there comes a point in time when, one side becoming unbalanced or unduly focused upon, Faith and Reason can battle each other for domination and actually HINDER the growth of the Christian.

Pope John Paul II states "Faith asks that its object be understood with the help of reason; and at the summit of its searching reason acknowledges that it cannot do without what faith presents" (Fides et Ratio, 42).  Therefore, Faith without reason is "superstition", whereas Reason without faith is nihilistic and relativism (seems to be the backbone of today's society, huh?).

So which is more important, faith or reason?  As a responsible Catholic, I must say that they are both equally important--just as Scripture and Tradition are equal.  We all have a duty to be able to "give reason" as to the hope in our hearts and why we believe what we do.  Likewise, there are mysteries of the Faith that reason cannot supply an answer to, and in those we are called to have faith.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, in this modern day society, considering the way most Americans think, Faith is the harder virtue.  And, while I won't say its "more important", I will say that its the "safeguard" or reason, and in a sense "higher" in that it is a Theological Virtue endowed by God.

There must be an academic element to all faith, and it is good to study theology, and at the very least the basic doctrines of the faith.  We must UNDERSTAND God to KNOW and LOVE God.

HOWEVER, reason, study, and academia cannot and must not be our primary source of identification with God.  We MUST have a relationship with him, and can do that only through a faith-filled WILLING of love through him.  We must pray about what we learn and ask God to speak to us himself, not only through books.

Please, brothers and sisters.  Have faith, pray, and discern what God wants for you.  We are made to know, love, and serve God, and so let us try to do all those three equally.  

Ratio ET Fides

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why I'm Catholic

I Believe in God
I Believe God wants to be known
I Believe God wants a mutual loving relationship
Therefore God must reveal himself through covenants
I Believe that God made Covenants with the Hebrews
I Believe that Jesus Christ fulfills all the Covenants and Prophecies of the Old Testament
I Believe Jesus Christ established His Church on the foundation of Peter
I Believe that Peter handed down his Authority through history to the current Pope and Bishops
I Believe that this power is to "Bind and Loose" on Earth AND Heaven
I Believe that the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit
Therefore, I Believe, in good faith, that ALL the doctrines, dogmas, and teachings of the Holy Catholic Church are inspired by God and thus true.

I am Catholic because it was the Church established by Christ.

Friday, August 5, 2011

There is Hope in God's Purpose!

Today I finish my last day of Totus Tuus, in what will in all probability be my last year with this wonderful organization.  It has been a long, exhausting, and often trying summer.  It has challenged my faith in myself and in God, and has been a test of my humility and patience daily.  It is sometimes hard even to live with people you love.
All of this has led me to ask myself, “what was the point of me doing Totus Tuus this summer”? 

Through this experience I have come to reaffirm—THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE.  God has a plan for you, a plan he has had before you were conceived from the beginning of time.  Because of this, even when we suffer, ALL THINGS WORK FOR GOOD.  It may not seem like it at the time, but it is true.  We may not know the way to go, or what God has in store, but we should always trust God.  He never fails us and when we suffer it to make us stronger.  Please brothers and sisters, never give up hope, always be assured that God will come through for you.  We have nothing to fear except our own lack of faith.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's OK to Talk about You

People are wounded; it’s a fact of our fallen lives.  These wounds affect most everything in our lives—from our choice of work to how we communicate, much of it involves either healing or avoiding what hurts us.  One of things that it most affects is our relationships, especially how vulnerable we feel we can be.  Most of us, after being hurt by someone we love, grow up guarded and thinking we cannot trust certain groups of people.  Sometimes we feel as though we cannot trust anyone.  We feel we are all alone.  Other times we grow up believing that no one wants to hear what we think, or that to express our feelings is week, arrogant, or inconveniencing to others.  Often we just think that Jesus is the only one who we should ever take our wounds to.  Indeed, he is the Divine healer.  He alone will understand fully.


I want every person reading this to hear me and understand—it is OK (in fact many times it is NECESSARY) to go other people (human people who have the capability of hurting you further) with your problems.  It is not burdensome, it is not arrogant, and it does not diminish the merit or penance of your suffering.  It does, in fact, allow the other person to exercise love, empathy, compassion, and service.  Your suffering, if you allow it, can help make others holy as well.

Humans are relational creatures, we exemplify the Trinity in that we are made to give AND receive love.  How can you expect others to love you if you don’t 1) love them and 2) ALLOW them to love you?  Some people feel loved when you trust them with your problems.  Some people ASK you if they can help you, making it clear that it would be no burden, but an exercise of love, to just listen to your hardships.  And yet, you deny them the chance to love you.

Yes, we all need to guard our hearts in the appropriate manner, but we also must dare to be vulnerable in the appropriate manner as well.  I challenge you all, as well as myself, to not be afraid to accept love.  Yes, you will probably be hurt again; unfortunately, humans do that to each other.  But you will also likely find a love that will transform your life.  I dare you to love.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Divine Blueprint

Your life is like a building, and God’s plan for you its blueprint.  Early in life God lays the foundation through your experiences, personality, and all of life’s little formations.  Each and every day is a brick added.

What will you be: A cottage? A mansion?  A Palace?  Each has their dignity and purpose.  Will you be a refuge for many?  An emblem of Beauty?  Or maybe a house of work.  Each house has its style, is built in its own unique way, and yet there are patterns common among types of houses.  Are you a priestly house, built to love the world?  Or rather are you a marriage house, built to completely love your spouse and children?  Are you a house meant to bless the world with humble, manual labor, doing the work that no one wants to do, but everyone needs?  Or are you a house that is meant to preach, to teach, to write, or heal?  All of these houses have their own ways of being built, their own foundation, and yet, despite all the similarities in these vocations, each is still very much unique.

I suppose what this really all comes down to is discernment.  What are some things you look for?  Above you listen for the voice of God whispering in your ear and in your heart what he wants you to do.  But also we must look at our life experiences and within us to who we are.  What foundation has God laid for us, what patterns of love, prayer, etc. do we have in our lives that might point us towards a specific vocation.  Many times God does not reveal things to us until we are ready to handle them, so the pattern isn’t always clear, or the goal of the pattern, but if we think and pray about who we are and what God has revealed to us thus far, I believe that we can catch a glimpse of our future and the amazingness God has in store for us.
There’s my 2-cent analogy for the day J

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"I Praise You"

Verse 1) Why do I run so far away
When al I want is you
With open arms you wait for me
To run right back to you

2) Only you can fill my emptiness
Nothing else could e’er suffice
You gave the wholeness of yourself
With one great sacrifice

C) I give my being all to you
Heart, Body, Mind and Soul
To live and breathe that all shall see
Your glory shining through

PC) I praise you, I praise you, I praise you

3) Though darkness comes and seas shall rise
Though my body aches and pines
Though in sin I live my life
For you my heart still sighs

B) Lord what wonders you have wrought
By what mercies you have saved
And in your covenential bond
Your love I will proclaim

Monday, August 1, 2011

Reflections on Charitability

I was thinking and praying today during mass about what to do concerning a specific situation.  I thought it very important to discern correctly what to do as it concerned the well-being of another person.  I began to feel overwhelmed because how can I, as a human being with limited intelligence and obscured by sin, be sure that I am right, especially when the other person is sure that the opposite is right?

That’s part of the problem—in today’s world, everyone thinks they’re right, but there are some situations where only one person can be in accord with reality.  I see this especially in the Catholic world in the liberal vs. conservative debate.  Conservatives think liberals are heretics, removed from the essence of the Church, and just weird.  Liberals think the conservatives are uncharitable, lacking the spirit, and close-minded.  Both are wrong.  Is there only one right answer in liturgy?  Of course not, liturgy is the praise of the people, and praise takes different forms.  I agree, there is a definite area in which the liturgy must occur to be appropriate, but because something varies from the “norm” does not mean it is illicit, invalid, or heresy.  If everything were in the norm then there would be no variety.  It is the openness to variety while remaining true to the spirit of Christ and the Church that makes the Catholic Church a universal and global church.  I’ll admit, it’s a hard line to walk but it’s possible.

The human condition makes us judge and think we’re right without really first considering the alternative.  We want to feel “in” and seek the approval of our peers, so we naturally point out the flaws of the “other” instead of inherently seeing the holy, the Christ, in all things.  No matter how far a Church or a Christian is from God, there is still goodness, there is still dignity, and there is still some form of divine work there.  This is especially so with parishes and people who are seeking to do God’s will.  Sure they may err, we all do, but doesn’t the very desire to seek holiness make you, in some sense, holy?  We are too obsessed with condemning and judging the other that we fail to see the good in things that we don’t already agree with.
All this has led me to question whether or not I can ever really know if I’m right.  I know that I can, God speaks to me, reveals things to me, and I do possess natural reason that seeks Truth in accordance with the natural order of things.  There are times I am right in my actions and my beliefs.  Of course, there are many, many, times in which I discern, act, reason, or believe incorrectly.  This is what causes the doubt.  How can I be sure that what I pray and decide is actually according to the Will and revelation of God.  I guess what I end up falling back on is 1) God’s ability to correct me and show me I’m on the wrong path, 2) God’s mercy, and 3) the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

All this pondering and prayer led me to think about the gifts that God has given me.  What are they? I’m not an incredibly good-looking person.  I’m not strong, or exceptionally eloquent.  I’m intelligent but not exceptionally or in a way that other people can’t fulfill that need.  I’m musical, but not prodigious.  So what has God given me?  Basically, He has given me, as he has every human person, a unique capacity to love in a specific way and Charism.

Knowing this, it is now my job to discern HOW best to love.  In a general way, I must obviously love as God does. How is this? 1) Meeting people where they are at: God will never turn his back on us because we do not do what he says.  His love is unconditional, human love should strive to be that as well. 2) True love must respect free will:  I must point out errors, pray, and continue love, but I must never condemn or withdraw my love because someone fails to align their will with the truth. 

That’s really all I’ve come up with—in reality I haven’t answered any questions about liturgy or what is right and wrong.  The only conclusion that I have come to is that I must be charitable in all things, for that will win more hearts for the Lord than legalistic rules.  It’s a fine line to tread, and I will often err on both sides.  Pray for me Brethren, and I shall pray for you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Life Goals

Here are some of my life goals.  I'm always adding to them, but as of now, this is what I want to do with my life!

Life Goals:
1)      Get a Masters
2)      Get a Doctorate
3)      Get Married
4)      Have Children
5)      Get Realtor’s license
6)      Flip a House
7)      Open a Retreat Center
8)      Write and Publish a Book
9)      Record a CD
10)   Invest in a business endeavor
11)   Become Fluent in Spanish
12)   Become Fluent in French
13)   Become Fluent in Italian
14)   Become Fluent in German
15)   Become Fluent in Mandarin
16)   Earn $100 from Adsense in one month
17)   Earn $250 from Adsense in one month
18)   Earn $500 from Adsense in one month
19)   Earn $1000 from Adsense in one month

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

I am... at least sometimes.  Mostly its in the basement.  I don't have a scary basement, but there's just something about it that really makes my skin crawl and my heart pump.  I turn the lights off, and as soon as I turn my back and face the stairs I get this uncontrollable urge to run up the steps.  I've tried different techniques... forcing myself to crawl, walking backwards (not recommended) and just saying out loud, "walk. walk. walk."  Nothing works!  No matter what I always end up running up the steps.  I know its a completely irrational urge, but it still occurs.  Sometimes, after I turn on the lights, I jump into bed, making sure not to get to close to the edges.  What the heck is wrong with me?

Anyone else have this particular problem?  What are some other irrational fears that you have that you should have gotten over when you were 5 years old?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Goodbye Marshall (On Nostalgia)

I have just finally officially finished moving out of my apartment in Marshall, and even though I’m very much happy to leave this town, I can’t help but be somewhat nostalgic about the last 16 months of my life.  I think some level of nostalgia is expected and healthy for any major life change—and this is definitely one. Part of me doubts if I was ever actually called to Marshall; I don't know if I was ever truly happy.  While I will miss many of the youth there, I will not miss the town in general.  Nevertheless, I learned a lot, so overall I know it was a good experience.

Why do we feel nostalgia?  Beats me--put perhaps its an apprehension about the future and thus a preference for the past.  Maybe its just that, as humans, we have trouble letting go or changing, even if the change is for the best.

I don't have a job yet, I'm basically poor, and I'm not sure what I'm doing with my future, but I am happier now than I ever was in Marshall--so, so much for nostalgia, I'm moving forward!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Job Hunting Sucks

I resigned from my job as Youth Minister at Holy Redeemer Parish in Marshall. It was a slightly impulsive decision, but I don't regret it, and I am the happiest I have been in months. 

I have big dreams: I want to do some freelance speaking and music gigs at parishes around the state.  I want write blogs and hopefully gain some passive and supplemental income from it.  I have numerous books in process, and would like to actually complete one.  Finally, someday, I think it would be awesome to open a retreat center for Christian couples.

Until then, I need a job.  I am down to $170 in my checking account X_X !  I just need anything... Caribou coffee, a waiter, heck, even a janitor position... I just need money.

So, if you could keep me in your thoughts and prayers I would greatly appreciate.  If you have any  leads for jobs that would be even more awesome.